Decoration Tips
瓷磚你要知 不同價格的瓷磚到底有何區別
- 產地與品牌
– 內地(以佛山為主):每平方呎約 $20-$40
– 歐洲(如意大利、西班牙):每平方呎約 $60-$80
– 馬來西亞:價格介於內地和歐洲之間
歐洲瓷磚價格較高,不僅因為品質優良,品質監控一般較佳,平整度會相對較高,還包含了運輸成本和品牌附加價值。然而,近年來高端的內地瓷磚在品質上已逐漸追上歐洲產品,但價格相對實惠,更具競爭力。 - 材質與工藝
– 陶質磚:吸水率較高,適合室內裝飾,價格相對較低
– 石質磚:吸水率低,防滑性佳,適合廚房及浴室,價格適中
– 拋光石英磚:耐磨、防酸鹼,適合人流較大的空間,價格較高
此外,不同的表面處理工藝也會影響價格。例如,拋光、磨砂或噴墨印花等特殊工藝會提高瓷磚的成本。 - 尺寸與設計
– 大尺寸瓷磚(如 60x60cm 或更大)價格較高
– 特殊形狀或拼花設計的瓷磚價格較一般方形瓷磚高
– 仿木紋、仿大理石等特殊紋理的瓷磚價格也較高
- 根據使用空間選擇
– 客廳:可以選擇大尺寸拋光磚,增加空間感和質感。
– 廚房:建議使用防滑、易清潔的磚,例如石質磚。
– 浴室:需選擇防滑、防水性能佳的瓷磚,可考慮使用馬賽克或小尺寸瓷磚。 - 考慮實用性與美觀性
– 防滑性:尤其是浴室和廚房,建議選擇防滑等級達到 R9 或 R10 以上的瓷磚。
– 耐磨性:在人流量較高的區域應選擇 PEI 等級較高的瓷磚。
– 易清潔性:可選擇表面經過納米處理的瓷磚,清潔更方便。
– 顏色和紋理:需與整體設計風格協調,達到理想的裝飾效果。 - 價格與品質的平衡
– 重點區域使用高品質瓷磚,如客廳和主人房。
– 次要區域可選擇性價比較高的瓷磚,如本地或內地的產品。
– 搭配不同價位的瓷磚,創造設計層次感和獨特的視覺效果。 - 瓷磚膠的重要性
選擇合適的瓷磚後,使用正確的瓷磚膠同樣關鍵。尤其是大尺寸或低吸水率的瓷磚,高品質的瓷磚膠能確保瓷磚的穩固性和耐久性。 - C1TE與C2TE瓷磚膠
- – C1TE:適合普通尺寸及吸水率的瓷磚,具抗滑移性及延長開放時間,適用於一般室內鋪設。
- – C2TE:適合大尺寸或吸水率低的瓷磚,具有更高的黏貼力及柔韌性,適用於需要更強支撐力的情況。
*建議使用 C2TE 級別的瓷磚膠,尤其是對於大尺寸(如 90x60cm 以上)或吸水率低於 3% 的瓷磚,以確保長期穩定的黏貼效果,防止空鼓等問題。
選購瓷磚不僅涉及美觀,還需考慮其實用性和耐久性。了解不同價格區間瓷磚的特點,並結合實際使用需求,將幫助您做出最適合的選擇。記住,優質的瓷磚搭配合適的瓷磚膠,才能實現美觀與實用的完美結合,為您的居所帶來長久的吸引力和價值。 - 產地與品牌
– 粘結力強:瓷磚膠的粘結力遠超水泥砂漿,能顯著減少脫落和空鼓現象。
– 施工簡便:只需加水攪拌即可使用,操作簡單。
– 薄層施工:瓷磚膠可以在較薄層面上使用,有效減少對空間的占用。
– 抗裂與耐水性佳:瓷磚膠抗裂性和耐水性能優越,適合多種環境,包括潮濕區域。EN12004 歐洲標準介紹
1. 無標準:通常為不符合EN12004標準的膠沙,其強度和耐久性較低,適合要求不高的內部環境或小尺寸瓷磚的簡單應用。
2. C1TE:符合EN12004標準的基本水泥基瓷磚膠沙,具備良好的抗滑移性(T)和延長開放時間(E)。此等級適合一般的室內或低吸水性基面的瓷磚鋪貼需求。
3. C2TE:屬於加強型水泥基瓷磚膠沙,具有更強的粘結能力(C2),抗滑移(T)和延長開放時間(E)。此等級適合戶外、大尺寸或重型瓷磚等高要求的應用環境,能應對較大溫度變化和戶外潮濕等挑戰。
在選擇瓷磚膠之前,了解它與其他材料的區別非常重要。以下是瓷磚膠與水泥砂漿的分別特性 國際標準瓷磚膠(C1TE, C2TE) 一般瓷磚膠 水泥砂漿 粘結力 高 中 低 使用方便性 高 高 低 適用範圍 室內外均可 室內為主 室內為主 如何選擇合適的瓷磚膠
– 基面類型:光滑或低吸水性的基面(如玻化磚),建議使用符合C2TE標準的增強型瓷磚膠,確保穩固粘結。
– 環境條件:潮濕環境(如浴室),建議使用具備高耐水性的C2TE產品。戶外或高交通量區域則選擇具有抗裂性和耐候性的C2TE瓷磚膠。
– 瓷磚尺寸及重量:大尺寸或重型瓷磚需符合C2TE標準的瓷磚膠,以防止因溫度變化引起的脫落問題。
– 施工要求:對厚度要求高的工程可選擇薄層施工的瓷磚膠,以達到更精細的效果。C1TE與C2TE瓷磚膠的類型介紹
1. 無標準:不符合EN12004標準的產品,適用於低要求的應用環境。
2. C1TE:基本型,適合小尺寸、低吸水性基面的瓷磚鋪貼。
3. C2TE:加強型,大小尺寸皆可、重型石材以及戶外或高濕環境。
– 基面處理:基面應乾燥、平整、無油污,以提高粘結力。
– 攪拌比例:嚴格依照產品說明書中的攪拌比例進行操作,不可隨意添加其他材料。
– 施工時間:鋪貼後需等待24小時再進行填縫,以確保膠沙完全固化。
– 溫度控制:施工環境應保持在5℃至40℃之間,以保證最佳效果。結論
選擇合適的瓷磚膠對裝修效果至關重要。通過了解EN12004標準下不同類型的產品特性、適用範圍及施工要求,消費者可以根據實際需求做出最優選擇。正確使用符合EN12004標準的瓷磚膠不僅提高了鋪貼效果,更延長了裝修壽命。希望這些建議能協助您在未來裝修中輕鬆選擇最適合的產品,打造理想的家居空間。 -
瓷磚你要知 五大空鼓成因及預防方法
瓷磚空鼓會引發一系列問題,可能帶來以下不便與風險:1. 安全隱患:空鼓的瓷磚易於破裂或脫落,尤其是牆面的瓷磚,可能因為外力撞擊而掉落,帶來人身傷害。
2. 滲水風險:在浴室或廚房等潮濕空間,空鼓會增加滲水的風險,長期的水分侵蝕可能引發基層腐蝕與霉菌問題。
3. 影響日常使用:空鼓的瓷磚不穩定,可能影響家具擺放,也會在日常使用中造成清理與維護上的困難。
1. 基層處理不當
– 基層表面不平整:表面不平整會影響黏合劑的均勻附著,使瓷磚無法完全貼合。
– 基層清潔不足:灰塵、油污或其他殘留物質會阻礙黏合劑的黏附。
– 基層濕度控制不佳:基層過於乾燥或過於潮濕都不利於黏合劑的固化。2. 瓷磚品質問題
– 吸水率過高或過低:這會影響黏合劑的效果,進而影響瓷磚的附著力。
– 尺寸不規整:瓷磚尺寸不一致會導致鋪貼時出現縫隙,增加空鼓的可能性。
– 背面紋路淺或過於光滑:這樣的瓷磚不易與黏合劑緊密結合。3. 施工技術不當
– 黏合劑不足:未充分塗抹黏合劑會導致瓷磚局部黏附不牢。
– 未壓實:未使用適當的工具(如橡膠錘)壓實瓷磚,會形成空氣間隙。
– 缺乏伸縮縫:施工時若未預留伸縮縫,遇到熱脹冷縮的情況,瓷磚容易鬆動或脫落。4. 環境因素
– 溫度變化過大:溫度的劇烈變化會導致瓷磚與黏合劑的膨脹收縮不一致。
– 濕度不穩定:過高或過低的濕度會影響黏合劑的性能。
– 地基沉降:新房或不穩定地基處易發生沉降,導致瓷磚脫落。5. 低品質瓷磚膠
瓷磚膠的品質直接影響瓷磚的黏附強度。選擇低成本、低品質的瓷磚膠會導致空鼓發生的風險增高。C1TE標準(根據歐洲標準EN 12004)是評估瓷磚膠品質的依據,其中C1TE表示:
– C1:達到初始粘結強度≥0.5 MPa的水泥基黏合劑
– T:抗滑移
– E:延長開放時間
了解了成因後,我們可以根據不同情況採取有效的預防措施:1. 基層處理
– 確保基層平整,必要時使用找平材料
– 清除灰塵與油污,保持基層清潔
– 根據基層的吸水性進行適當的濕潤處理2. 選擇優質瓷磚
– 選擇吸水率穩定、尺寸規整的品牌瓷磚
– 檢查背面紋路深度,確保黏附效果3. 施工規範
– 使用橡膠錘壓實瓷磚,防止空隙
– 按規範預留伸縮縫,以適應溫濕度變化4. 環境控制
– 在溫濕度穩定的條件下進行施工
– 避免在地基未完全穩定的情況下鋪貼瓷磚5. 選擇高品質瓷磚膠
1. 選用優質的瓷磚與瓷磚膠,避免在品質上妥協。
2. 聘請專業的施工團隊,確保工藝規範。
3. 選擇適宜的環境條件進行施工,避免溫度及濕度過高 -
How to cope with mold and high humidity at home?
The spring season usually begins in February or March in Hong Kong but the weather may keep extremely cold and hot at the same week. With the characteristic of high density region, it may cause a serious humidity problem like forming water droplets in the celling and wall then the mold start to appear. If the mold problem is not properly handled, the situation will become more serious and dangerous, it is not only for the aesthetics problem, it may also spread to the other walls that are not affected. In addition, the long-term inhalation of the mold will have the opportunity to trigger a varying degree of sensitivity and respiratory problems, also lead to visceral and neurological damage.
Some people say it can use bleach to get rid of mold, but the use of improper and inhaling too much irritating gas may affect respiratory health, and also damage the paint or cause the wall damage such as peeling or color loss. If you want to be simple and convenient to cure for the root of the mold you can choose Nippon Paint Anti-Fungus Solution, designed for paint and also applies to indoor and outdoor walls and wood surfaces, spray on the root of the mold, can be a fast and thorough sterilization of mold. If you wipe it again, the wall will return to its original color and it can restraint the growth of mold effectively without damaging the wall.
To prevent mold and mildew stains on walls, it is important to prevent moisture and mildew beforehand. Before deciding the paint for home you should consider to choose a primer and topcoat with anti-mold and moisture-proof function, our product can release the moisture inside the wall effectively, with Nippon Paint Odour-less Wall Putty as a good base, using a brand-new clean technology, water-based environmental protection formulas, compared to the traditional mixed raw materials like vegetable glue and some powder would be more stable, high anti-algae and anti-fungus. In the above methods can eliminated the mold from the root but also reducing the growth of mold.
Creative coatings that improves your interior designs
People nowadays care more about their quality of life, unlike 10-20 years ago, the way people decorate and renovate their home is no longer just to be convenient, personal style and the interior design plays a big part too. Furniture not only have to be functional and convenient, it also has to fit the interior design by colour, shape, material used, style, etc. If furniture has to be the one in a million perfect match to your interior design, how could your wall be plain and boring? Nippon Paint understands your need and therefore introduces couple different creative coatings to suit any type of interior designs! Here are some of the creative coating from Nippon Paint:
1. Milano
A low-key luxurious interior design fits the taste of an elegant person like you. The special velvety texture comes with a total of 30 colours through three series, one of them can surely fit you. Milano velvet gold has a total of 8 colours, perfectly matches gold with warm colours, combining them with unique light and shadow effects adds a touch of delicacy to your home; Velvet gold white has 11 colours, turn your home into a contemporary and modern style home by presenting with the luster of pearl; Velvet silver mixes cold colours with silver’s luster, the paint’s smoothness getting matched by the metallic feel, makes your home elegant but not pompous. No matter how you want your home to be and which route of interior design you are going for, Milano can take your design to another level.2. Nippe Indy Art Cera
Is there a time when you want to get some different textures and patterns onto your wall but normal paints just cannot get the job done? Nippe Indy Art Cera is the paint you’re looking for! Pairing Nippe Indy Art Cera with its tools, you can create numerous of different patterns such as rough, line, flat, clod while blending multiple colours to create even more incredible changes. If you think out of the box, you might also create a pattern that no one else has ever done before. No matter which style of interior design you are trying to match, Nippe Indy Art Cera can provide you a pattern that best fits it, makes your home truly unique.3. Fair-Faced Concrete Coating System
If you like your home being simple and natural, you might want to try out having a fair-faced concrete wall at your home. Fair-faced concrete has natural patterns and does not require any additional decoration, provides a fresh and neat feeling. However, a fair-faced concrete wall’s price is pretty high while also requires high skilled decorator to make it work. If any mistakes happen or the fair-faced concrete got damaged, rebuilding one or replacing one would be another time consuming project that could take weeks. That’s why Nippon Paint introduces a fair-faced concrete coating system where you can paint on basically any wall textures and get the appearance of an actual fair-faced concrete wall! Nippon Paint fair-faced concrete coating system requires much less time and money investment to create the same pattern of a fair-faced concrete wall, it is also much easier to repair and refresh the wall if needed. If you want to try a minimalistic design style that features a fair-faced concrete wall while budget being a problem, maybe give Nippon Paint fair-faced concrete coating system a shot, it might just exceed your expectations.Learn more about the creative paints here:
Long term anti-formaldehyde in 1 move
Whenever we talk about interior decorations or moving to a new place, people would suddenly recall things about formaldehyde. With all the new furniture, paint, polystyrene floods into our new home, we stand up against all the formaldehyde trying to get every single bit of them out of our home as if we are a formaldehyde exterminator. It is a fact that formaldehyde is harmful to our health, it irritates our eyes, nose and throat, affects pulmonary function and causes various respiratory disease, and could cause fetal malformation and miscarriage. It is also labelled as a Group 1 carcinogen by the WHO. We have more than enough reasons to get rid of every single bit of formaldehyde, and people do everything trying to get them out of their home. Some chooses “E0” graded materials for their furniture, some tries to eliminate formaldehyde by using formaldehyde remove sprays, air purifier and activated charcoal. Some even uses folk remedy like placing pineapple or onion skins to “lower the concentration of formaldehyde”. However, are these what you really need for a “formaldehyde-free” home?
In fact, construction materials and furniture from renovation are not the only source of formaldehyde, some of our daily tools and products also contain and emit formaldehyde such as detergents, cosmetics, insecticides, dishwashing liquids, clothes and bed linens. At the meantime, construction materials will keep on emitting formaldehyde for 3-15 years. Therefore, we should not be short-sighted and only aim for low formaldehyde level or low odour after a couple months of moving in or decorating.
The “E0” material doesn’t mean they are completely formaldehyde-free. Instead, they emit very low level of formaldehyde, being 0.5mg/L. Although the number is very small, overusing them could still lead to exceeding formaldehyde limit. Moreover, as formaldehyde has adhering, moisture-proof, insect-proof and other functions, using nearly 0 formaldehyde materials might require additional adhesives and insect-resist agents, ended up re-introducing the missing formaldehyde from the “E0” materials back to your home.
Now let’s talk about methods to remove formaldehyde. Simply using formaldehyde remove sprays to clean you home after decorating for a month or two cannot protect your health in the long run. Again, building materials emits formaldehyde for 3-15 years. However, it is also unrealistic to keep spraying formaldehyde remove sprays for the whole period of 3 years. Even if the cost is not your concern, all the effort to spray it constantly is already troublesome enough to make it not worth doing. Although activated charcoal can actually absorb formaldehyde and keep them stick to the charcoal instead of floating in the air and let you breathe them in, they can only absorb but not actually remove formaldehyde while also have a max absorbing capacity. Once the activated charcoal is full for a while and were not disposed and replaced in time, they will release the formaldehyde back to the area, losing its functionality and also worsen the situation. Despite air purifier can effectively purify formaldehyde, the price of a high Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) and Cumulate Clean Mass (CCM) is nothing to joke at already. Factoring in the electricity cost, the cost of installing a decent air purifier could be significant in the long run. However, if you want to cut some initial cost by choosing a slightly lower tier air purifier, there might come with a long term cost of having to change the air filter element more frequently due to lower CCM, costing the same if not more than a high tier air purifier in the long run. When all of these effective ways also brings us some sort of trouble and extra costs, there is actually a formaldehyde eliminating method that doesn’t require any additional installation or costs after renovating.
Nippon Paint have series of paints that can abate formaldehyde for you 24/7, for example the Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less All-in-1(Bamboo Charcoal technology). All you have to do is choose this as your paint for renovation, and our paint can decrease the level of formaldehyde for you once it is painted onto your wall with no additional care needed as long as the paint is not significantly damaged. Nippon Paint also take a step forward in keeping you healthy. Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less All-in-1(Bamboo Charcoal technology) not only can lower the formaldehyde level but also have an anti-bacterium function. If you’re wondering would all the functionality restricts the colour choices for the paint, you don’t have to worry about that! Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less All-in-1(Bamboo Charcoal technology) supports Computerized Colour Matching Service which provides 1988 colour choice, truly an aesthetic and functional paint of your choice.
Learn more about Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less All-in-1(Bamboo Charcoal technology):
Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less All-in-1(Bamboo Charcoal technology)
5 Things You Need to Know About Plastering
Many people think that renovating your walls means painting the wall. However, there’s actually many more construction details behind it. When we decorate the wall of the unit, we often find that the wall is uneven and blistered. At this time, we need to remove these loose parts, and then use the batch of wall ash to build a good wall base and strengthen the wall. Stability and fixity. So as to make the wall smooth and flawless, just like the reason why girls also apply primer before makeup. So choosing a high-quality batch of wall plaster is also a science.
1. What are the approved wall plasters on the market?
Painters traditionally mixes raw materials such as vegetable glue, whitening powder, gypsum powder, varnish and white glue to make batches of wall plaster by themselves. Although it is relatively cheaper, crafting your own plaster requires certain skills and technique, while having lower stability which could cause uneven end product. Moreover, the materials used also emit unpleasant smell. Therefore, Nippon Paint encourages you to use ready-made plasters. Nippon Paint Odour-less Wall Putty works as good as traditional plasters while being odour-less and eco-friendly. You also don’t have to spend time mixing materials and keep adjusting the plaster to get a perfect plaster, Nippon did all that for you.
2. What are the problems with vegetable gum powder in the market?
Vegetable glue powder not only requires a lot of effort to prepare, as it contains plant fiber extracted from seaweeds, it could also easily cause mold on the wall!
3. How to perfect Plastering?
Plastering can be divided into three steps:
1. Ashes
2. Applying Plaster
3. Polish
Putting ash is actually filling up some uneven walls with large gaps to make them smooth, and adding batches of wall ash to increase their stability. The next step is to apply the plaster to make the surface of the wall smoother and smoother. Through repeated plastering actions, the smooth effect can be achieved. However, the plastering should not be too hasty and can be applied all at once. It is necessary to wait for each layer of plastering to dry before applying plaster again. Otherwise, cracks will appear on the wall, and if you apply too much too quickly, the natural absorption will be uneven, so remember not to be too quick and too thick at once. The last step is polishing, mainly to sweep away the excess dust on the wall and make the overall wall smoother and smoother. Polishing also needs to be repeated many times to make the pine paint more full and smooth. As for the grinding tool, you can choose Nippon Sponge Sand Brick with high-density sponge, electrostatic sand planting process, parallelogram design, easy to grind at the corners, good elasticity, durability, not easy to remove sand, and can be reused after cleaning.
4. Things to note about special weather
The wall has been severely eroded by the accumulation of precipitation over time. In addition to the problem of time, there are also reasons for the climate. Because the climate in Hong Kong is often humid, and the housing environment and structural problems in Hong Kong are quite special, the sunlight cannot fully shine into the house, which makes the problem of humidity in the house gradually serious. In addition to re-cleaning the dust, the best way is to take good ventilation measures, for example: opening the windows to allow air convection, which can effectively eliminate the humid molecules mixed in the air. Or some special weather, such as the weather after rain or the rainy season that is prone to mold, you need to pay attention when these weathers occur. Residents with dehumidifiers can use dehumidifiers to strengthen the elimination of moisture in the house. Content, fully keep the room in a state of constant temperature, dryness and humidity.
5. Handling of special situations
Residents may encounter some serious wall problems. For example, the wall has been aged for more than 10 years, and a large area of the wall has been severely affected by moisture. Carry out a major renovation, and redo it together with the paint and dust on the wall. You don’t have to worry about this cumbersome project, because Nippon Paint has launched a refresh service for homeowners who need major renovations to help them solve the problem. All the problems encountered in the renovation do not need to be done by the customer at all. Nippon Paint provides one-stop service, and also provides a variety of renovation cases for customers to refer to, so that everyone can have a general understanding of the renovation, and then a series of renovations will be introduced Process, answer customers’ doubts, strive to achieve excellence, and provide residents with a perfect and comfortable living environment.Learn more about Nippon Paint Odour-less Wall Putty:
6 Truths Between Decoration And Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is the most resistant to many people who have just moved into a new home. Everyone does not want formaldehyde to enter their house, and even starts to worry about it, but is it really the case? Is formaldehyde really so frightening? Let’s follow Nippon Paint to learn about formaldehyde in decoration!
What points should be paid attention to in formaldehyde in decoration?
1. Short-term exposure to low-level formaldehyde will not cause too much harm to humans. Of course, it will also pose a certain threat to some people who are allergic to formaldehyde. For example, it will cause discomfort symptoms on the eyes and throat. Including respiratory patients, pregnant women or children, etc. need special attention. Because formaldehyde is an irritating gas, the antibodies to patients, pregnant women or children are lower than ordinary people, so they are prone to discomfort symptoms.
2. In fact, formaldehyde also has its measurement standards. The World Health Organization has pointed out that formaldehyde concentrations below 0.08ppm (0.1 mg/m³) are relatively safe for humans. Therefore, the higher the concentration of formaldehyde, the greater the harm. 0.08 ppm (0.1 mg/m³) is an acceptable upper limit for indoor formaldehyde concentrations in most countries. The country also has stated “Indoor Air Quality Standards”, in the indoor air environment, the maximum allowable concentration of formaldehyde per 1 hour is 0.1 mg per cubic meter.
3. In fact, formaldehyde is not only released from fresh paint, but also part of the formaldehyde is released from the furniture in the house. It is basically impossible to use zero-formaldehyde furniture. Because almost all furniture is composed of sheets, some adhesives and other tools. While these materials release formaldehyde, so does the wood used for wood products.
4. Many people read on the Internet that using grapefruit peels can absorb formaldehyde. They will place grapefruit peels in various places in the house. But in fact, grapefruit peel is only because of its own aroma, which covers the odor of formaldehyde, rather than decomposing and absorbing formaldehyde itself. Therefore, removing formaldehyde from grapefruit peels is completely unscientific.
5. The most effective way to reduce formaldehyde is actually not to buy any equipment. This process can completely eliminate formaldehyde in your home for free, that is, ventilation. The volume between air and formaldehyde is the same, and formaldehyde is easily mixed in the air, so we use this to take formaldehyde away through air circulation and discharge it into the house. Not only that, in addition to emitting formaldehyde, ventilation can also reduce other volatile indoor pollutants such as benzene and xylene. Ventilation can be regarded as one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly ways to eliminate formaldehyde.
6. In fact, Nippon Paint has also launched some formaldehyde-resistant indoor latex paints for you to choose from. Because we know that many residents will value the elimination of formaldehyde, so in order to ensure the safety of everyone’s living and living environment, both adults and children have their own exclusive anti-formaldehyde latex paint. If you are planning to decorate a new house, you can consider using Nippon Paint’s formaldehyde-resistant indoor latex paint, so that Nippon Paint can create a comfortable and secure living environment for you and your family.
Click to check out some of the products that can abate formaldehyde:Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less All-in-1(Bamboo Charcoal technology)
5 Chemicals We Can’t See In Decoration
I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of formaldehyde, but you should not know what other toxic gases are other than formaldehyde. Today we will point out 5 chemical pollutants lurking around our lives, and they are derived from our An invisible virus released from the living environment.
5 invisible chemical pollutants
1. Formaldehyde: There are five main sources, the first is from some decorative panel materials indoors; the second is water-based adhesives with formaldehyde as the main component; the third is waterproofing agents and flame retardants used in building materials , preservatives, insect repellants and other water-based treatment agents; the fourth is derived from various decorative materials, such as wallpapers, carpets, foam plastics and paints; the fifth is derived from the necessities used in daily life at home , such as cosmetics, detergents, insecticides, etc. Formaldehyde appears quietly in our daily life. According to scientific research, the release period of formaldehyde is as long as 3 to 15 years. For the formaldehyde in newly renovated units, it cannot be completely eliminated in one or two years. evaporate.
2. Nitrogen oxides: Nitrogen oxides are easily produced from human daily life. For example, gas stoves used for cooking usually produce nitrogen oxides from combustion. In addition, if the resident has the habit of smoking, nitrogen oxides will also be produced during the smoking process. If you inhale too much, symptoms such as throat discomfort will appear, not only that, but it can even pose a threat to the central nervous system and cardiovascular system of the human body.
3. Ammonia: Additives and brighteners are used in many home finishes, and ammonia is added to these chemicals. When these products are used on the wall, as the temperature or environmental factors change, they will be converted into ammonia gas and released from the wall. Ammonia gas is also an irritating and harmful gas, which is irritating to the mucous membranes such as the eyes, nose, and throat of the human body, and this irritating gas will lead to a decrease in the body’s resistance to other diseases.
4. Carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides are the same type of poisonous gas. Its source is also the same as nitrogen oxides, both from daily gas use. Combustion of gas or oil produces large amounts of carbon monoxide. When the human body inhales a light amount of carbon monoxide, symptoms such as dizziness and weakness of limbs may occur. Inhalation of large amounts of carbon monoxide can directly lead to a severe coma state.
5. Radon: Radon mainly comes from carcinogenic and toxic gases released from flooring, tiles and other ground materials. According to scientific research, the radiation damage of radon to the human body accounts for more than 55% of all radiation damage received by the human body in a lifetime. It is a “latent killer” of lung cancer and the second most carcinogenic substance besides smoking. The gas radon is also colorless and odorless. Even if the concentration of radon in the environment is high, people cannot find it. The damage caused by radon to the human body is permanent, so choose carefully when choosing home decoration.
Nippon Paint’s Kids Paint series contain nearly 0 VOC, it can also abate and break down formaldehyde into water molecules. Not only it won’t pollute your home but it can also protect you from the harm of formaldehyde. Click the links below to see more about the Kids Paint series: -
Causes and Treatment of Water Seepage in Village Houses
“Village house”, as the name suggests, is “a house in a rural area”, with a beautiful environment, surrounded by mountains, and the fragrance of birds and flowers. It really makes people want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and come here to enjoy the healing brought by nature. But residents living in “village houses” are all worried about the same problem, which is the problem of indoor “water seepage”.
How did the “water seepage” problem arise?
Everyone may have doubts about the issue of “water seepage”. Where does “water” come from? In fact, not only the appearance of people needs to be maintained, but the appearance of houses also needs to be adequately maintained, especially for independent houses like village houses. The outer wall of a village house protects the “inner organs” of the village house like armor. If there is a crack in the armor, the “inner organs” will naturally be damaged. Exposure to the sun and rain, cooling and heat shrinkage will lead to conspicuous cracks on the wall, and these cracks are behind the scenes that cause the problem of “water seepage” in the room. If not dealt with in time, rainwater will accelerate the corrosion of the health of the wall.
How to solve the “water seepage” problem?
If you are facing the “water seepage” problem, or worried that the “water seepage” problem will come to your door, Nippon Paint can help you! Nippon Paint puts itself in the shoes of every citizen and conducts research on housing issues.
For customers who already have the problem of “water seepage”, we recommend Nippon Paint’s water-cut leak-proof combination on the roof. Nippon Paint Water-based Soft Fiber Waterproof Roof can fill the cracks in the ground and walls, and can effectively block water. Partial penetration, to achieve a comprehensive waterproof effect. And it has good hiding power, and can easily finish a beautiful waterproof coating surface. With Nippon Paint Water-based Waterproof Primer,it is very suitable for professional construction or DIY!
For customers who want to renovate the exterior wall or paint the exterior wall for the first time, Nippon Paint recommends Nippon Paint Weatherbond, which has strong outdoor durability and is specially designed for indoor and outdoor masonry The surface of the building is formulated to withstand the sun and rain, ensuring a long-term beautiful appearance. In terms of function, it also has anti-algae, waterproof, anti-fouling, anti-alkali and anti-mildew, which can solve the problems that customers worry about.Learn more about Nippon Paint Water-based Soft Fiber Waterproof Roof:
The Causes and Treatment of Flouring of Walls in Village Houses
The Causes and Treatment of Chalking in Village Houses
The “village house” is in the midst of nature, away from the noisy city, and integrated with nature. Some people think that living in such a beautiful place must be very pleasant. However, with the passage of time, the exterior walls of the house will inevitably suffer from years of damage, such as excessive exposure to sunlight for a long time, or damage to the walls caused by improper paint selection, and so on. Damaged walls will greatly reduce the overall aesthetics of the house, which will greatly reduce the mood of the homeowner when he sees it. What Is Chalking?
Chalking refers to the fact that the latex paint film attached to the wall loses its original gloss, resulting in a layer of powder on the surface of the wall. Over time, these powders will gradually fall off the wall. Not only will it affect the aesthetics of the wall, but the falling dust will also cause a great potential crisis to the air quality in the house.
What is the cause?
All dark exterior wall paints will directly affect the durability of the wall, because dark colors will absorb more heat and ultraviolet rays than light colors. After a long period of wind and sun, dark exterior walls will absorb excessive heat and Ultraviolet rays, resulting in chalking, which is the object produced by the degradation of the binder in the paint. Or when the paint was painted, the recommended thickness of the oil was not paid attention to. If it is deeper or thinner than the recommended thickness, it will also lead to insufficient protection, which will cause various problems on the wall.
How to avoid and solve it?
Nippon Paint suggests that if the exterior wall paint has chalked up, it is best to renovate it. Choosing a primer is the most critical step. Nippon Paint recommends that you use the Nippon Paint Multi-Function Water-Based Waterproof Kit: Nippon Paint Ultra Sealer III (Exterior) and Nippon Paint Tsuya Ichiban Water Based Gloss Top Coat. Both are waterproof and have good weather resistance. No matter it is any long-term wind and rain, they can be as stable as Mount Tai and stand upright. Nippon Paint Ultra Sealer III (Exterior) Also has excellent efflorescence resistance that can also prevent discolouration. Choosing high quality paints is the best way to protect the health of your walls most effectively, learn more about the paint here:Nippon Paint Tsuya Ichiban Water Based Gloss Top Coat (Low Gloss)
Wall Problem Tips
Wall Problem Tips – Wall Blisters
When painting a wall, there are many factors that affect the final result, leading to all kinds of problems. One of the most common problems is blistering.
The phenomenon of wall blistering: bubbles are generated in the paint film, resulting in a decrease in local adhesion. There are many possible reasons for this to happen, here are the most relevant and common:
– Substrate humidity is too high
– Paint on soiled or decayed substrates
– Paint on overheated substrates or expose to direct sunlight
– poor working or drying conditions (e.g. high humidity, condensation, rain)
*TIP: Break the blisters and check the underside of the flakes. If wood is present, the problem is most likely moisture related.It is not difficult to solve the blistering on the wall. First, confirm the cause of the problem and evaluate the degree of the problem. Then address the cause, strip off the old paint, make sure the substrate is in place and repaint. Be aware that some substrates are too damaged to be repaired and will need to be replaced.
Tips for Wall Problems – Oil Sweep / Oil Roller MarksAfter the paint has been applied, there are streaks left on the wall after drying, which is an unintentional texture left in the paint by the oil brush or reel. The main cause of oil swept/reel marks is due to the use of low quality/incorrect tools to paint, or due to poor workmanship (e.g. too fast or too much painting). The second is partially dried paint due to heavy brushing or rerolling, as well as objective factors of poor workmanship or the environment at the time of drying, such as overheating of the substrate and high temperature.
Don’t worry if you find oil brushes/oil roll marks, lightly sand the affected area until smooth and repaint. To prevent the same problem from recurring, make sure to use high quality and recommended tooling equipment, use consistent painting techniques (such as applying oil reel pressure evenly from top to bottom) while keeping the edges wet. Make sure the workmanship and drying conditions are in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations so that there will be no oil swept/reel marks. Also, in hot or windy conditions, the recommended amount of thinner can be added to improve workmanship.
Wall Problem Tips – Wall PowderChalking is one of the common problems with walls. As the name implies, the powder on the surface of the paint film is produced by the degradation of the paint binder.
The main reasons for chalking come from excessive exposure to sunlight and improper use of paint. E.g:
– Use interior grade paint on surfaces exposed to UV radiation.
– Surfaces where the painted surface has been fully exposed to strong sunlight for a prolonged period of time, and/or has an elevated salt concentration (eg coastal areas).
– Use dark paint, which absorbs more heat and UV rays from sunlight than lighter colors.
– Paint lighter than recommended thickness.If the walls have begun to chalk, your best bet is to renovate. Wash the affected area to remove all surface contamination and powder, and repaint with a UV-resistant paint system. Remember to use a primer, which can resist corrosion, increase the adhesion of the topcoat, and make the paint not easy to peel off. When painting, make sure to apply the paint to the recommended coverage and add the proper proportion of water as recommended by the manufacturer, never over-diluting.
To minimize chalking in areas with high sunlight, it is recommended to have a maintenance schedule in place from the outset to ensure that the painted surfaces are cleaned and repainted within a predetermined time.
Need a professional to fix your wall? Nippon Refresh Service is your best choice! Click the link below and make an appointment now:
Paint Amount
DIY Paint Calculation
Paint DIY One of the problems you will definitely encounter after choosing a color is calculating the amount of paint. How much area can a bucket of 1 liter or 5 liters of paint cover on the wall?
DIY In addition to the sense of accomplishment of doing it yourself, “the paint is finished” is also very satisfying. Taking a good grasp of the amount of paint can not only save money, but also protect the environment without waste. However, when calculating, don’t forget that you need 2 coats of topcoat and 1 coat of primer.
(3D area calculation instruction diagram)
Roughly speaking, 1 liter of water-based interior paint can cover 13 – 14 square meters. The height of a room in a Hong Kong residence is generally about 2.8 meters, so if a room of 15 square meters is calculated, excluding the ceiling and the area of doors and windows, about 6.2 liters of paint is needed (painting area: √15×2.8×4= 43.4 square meters, required for one floor: 43.4÷14=3.1 liters, required for two floors: 6.2 liters).
Here’s an example of a DIY renovation of an entire apartment:
The unit area is 45 square meters, with 1 hall, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and the door and window area is 10 square meters. With ceilings, minus windows and bathroom/kitchen tiles, the total painted area is approximately 175 square meters, including a feature wall of approximately 10 square meters in the living room. The total area to be painted with water-based interior latex paint is 165 square meters, requiring 12 liters of primer and 24 liters of topcoat. Nippon Paint MIlano Art Paint is used for the feature wall, and only one layer of primer & top coat is needed. Nippon Paint MIlano Art Paint Set: 1 kg top paint + 1.4 kg primer + tools, just enough to paint about 5 square meters, 2 Set just right.Depending on the type of paint, the area that can be painted varies slightly. If you want a more accurate amount calculation, you can visit Nippon Paint’s paint calculation page, just enter the length and height of the wall, and you can simply and accurately calculate the required paint amount.
Paint Problem Solving And Advice
According to Porter’s Paints: paint problem solver & advice
generate bubbles
Air bubbles are created in the paint film, resulting in a localized loss of adhesion.
possible reason
– Substrate humidity is too high
– Paint on soiled or decayed substrates
– Paint on overheated substrates or expose to direct sunlight
– poor working or drying conditions (e.g. high humidity, condensation, rain)
– Identify the cause and extent of the problem. Resolve the cause, strip off the old paint, make sure the substrate is properly repainted. (Some substrates are too damaged to be repaired, such due to replacement)block
The surfaces of two freshly painted objects are glued together (eg a window is glued to a frame).
possible reason
– Close doors and windows before paint dries.
– poor working or drying conditions (e.g. low temperature, high humidity, condensation, rain)
– Sand to remove affected area, repaint after ensuring proper substrate.
– Provide correct drying time according to paint label recommendations.
– Make sure the workmanship and drying conditions are in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.Oil sweep/oil reel marks
Unintentional texture left in paint by an oil sweep or reel.
possible reason
– Painted with low quality/incorrect tools.
– Poor workmanship (eg too fast or too much paint).
– Repaint or reroll partially dried paint.
– poor working or drying conditions (e.g. overheated substrate, high temperature)
– Lightly sand affected area until smooth, repaint
– Use consistent painting techniques (such as applying oil reel pressure evenly from top to bottom) while keeping the edges wet.
– Make sure to use high quality and recommended tools and equipment.
– Make sure the workmanship and drying conditions are in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
– In hot or windy conditions, the recommended amount of thinner can be added to improve workmanship.chalk
Powder on the surface of the paint film, produced by the degradation of the paint binder.
possible reason
– Use interior grade paint on surfaces exposed to UV radiation.
– Surfaces where the painted surface has been fully exposed to strong sunlight for a prolonged period of time, and/or has an elevated salt concentration (eg coastal areas).
– Use dark paint, which absorbs more heat and UV rays from sunlight than lighter colors.
– Paint lighter than recommended thickness.
– Wash the affected area, remove all surface contamination and powder, and repaint with a UV-resistant paint system.
– Make sure to paint to the recommended coverage.
– To minimise chalking, have a maintenance schedule in place from the outset to ensure that painted surfaces are cleaned and repainted within scheduled times.weathering
The salt migrates to the surface of the porous masonry substrate, forming a white scabbed deposit.
possible reason
– Excessive moisture in the substrate
– Paint on under-cured substrates.
– Use a stiff brush to remove deposits, then clean the surface with a mild white vinegar solution (acetic acid). In severe cases, a stronger acid solution should be used by an experienced contractor to remove mineral salts and then allowed to dry.
– Identify and eliminate the source of moisture and repaint once the surface is intact, clean, dry and free of mold and algae. Alkali-resistant sealants and a suitable topcoat are recommended.fade
Excessive tarnishing of the paint coat.
possible reason
– Use interior grade paint on surfaces exposed to UV radiation.
– The painted surface is exposed to high salinity (e.g. coastal areas).
– Colors such as bright blue, yellow, red are particularly susceptible to UV radiation.
– Add a colorant higher than the recommended coloring level.
– The paint film used is lower than the recommended thickness.
– Thoroughly clean the affected area, remove all surface contamination and repaint.
– Use manufacturer-approved UV-resistant paint products and coating systems.
– Make sure to paint to the recommended coverage.
– To minimise fading, have a maintenance schedule in place from the outset to ensure that the painted surfaces are cleaned and repainted within the scheduled time.foaming/foaming
Air bubbles formed during application and pits created when air bubbles burst in the paint film.
possible reason
– Painting with improper tools (eg oil reel fuzz length, material type).
– Poor workmanship (eg too fast or too much paint).
– Over-mix the product before use.
– Paint with old and/or improperly stored paint.
– Make sure to use the correct application equipment and technology. If you notice excessive foaming in the can, allow the paint to settle before using.
– Correct foam in dry paint film, lightly sand affected area to a smooth surface and repaint. In some instances, lather in the wet film can be corrected by light application with a brush.wear and tear
When the painted surface is worn or impacted, visible shiny spots or areas of polishing can appear.
possible reason
– Use low-gloss, matte and flat paint in heavy tones (dark or vivid), especially in high-traffic areas
– Fang.
– Frequent cleaning and/or spot cleaning, especially with abrasive cleaners or tools (wire balls).
– Unintentional bumps on painted surfaces (eg furniture rubbing coatings).
– Critical or low angle lighting may accentuate any worn look that has a chance.
– Repaint with higher gloss or lighter color paint.
– In some instances, a durable clear coat may be recommended.mold
Black, grey, brown spots on the painted surface.
possible reason
– Presence of moisture (condensation in the substrate, surface or high humidity).
– Paint on moldy substrates.
*TIP: Test for mold by putting a few drops of household bleach on the discolored area; if it disappears, it’s likely mold.
– To get rid of mold, scrub the surface with a diluted household bleach solution (one part bleach, three parts water) while wearing rubber gloves and goggles. Rinse thoroughly.
– To prevent mold, use paint with anti-mold properties.crack
Deep, irregular cracks in the dry paint film.
possible reason
– Applying too much paint causes the surface of the paint film to dry faster than the rest (most commonly where paint can overlap, such as corners).
– Poor working or drying conditions (e.g. too cold substrate, too low temperature).
– Sand the surface flat and repaint at the recommended coverage.
– In some instances, oil-based primers or high-concentration products may be required.
– Ensure application and drying conditions comply with manufacturer’s recommendationsRusty nail head
Red/brown rust on painted surfaces.
possible reason
– Paint on ungalvanized iron nails, which tend to rust in wet environments.
– Paint on galvanized nail heads that have started to rust from sanding or excessive weathering.
– Wash off rust, sand nail heads, and follow new construction finishing procedures.
– When painting new exterior construction, if non-galvanized nails are used, it is advisable to countersink the nail head first and then caulk with a good quality exterior acrylic caulk.
– Each nail head area should be topically primed (preferably with an antifouling primer) followed by a good quality topcoat.patch
Poor gloss or color uniformity, especially when looking flat from an angle.
possible reason
– Paint on surfaces with different textures and uneven porosity (joints between plasterboards).
– Failure to properly prime the substrate.
– Inconsistent workmanship
– Bad working or drying conditions (eg high temperature, high temperature).
– Before applying the topcoat, the new substrate should be treated to ensure uniform porosity of the substrate.
– Use consistent painting techniques (such as applying oil reel pressure evenly from top to bottom) while keeping the edges wet.
– Make sure the workmanship and drying conditions are in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.Cracking and peeling
The paint film forms a definite fracture, the local adhesion between the paint film and the substrate is lost, or the paint film is completely separated from the surface substrate.
possible reason
– Paint on unsound substrates (e.g. weathered wood, weak concrete or plaster)
– Paint on soiled or loose materials.
– Paint on overly smooth surfaces that are difficult to bond.
– No precoat (primer) used, poor quality or the wrong type for the substrate.
– Lack of maintenance of existing paint
– Before starting any new paint, the extent and cause of the problem needs to be clearly identified, the cause removed, and the old paint stripped until the substrate is sound.framing
A matter of appearance, areas where you paint with an oil brush look brighter or darker than areas where you use an oil reel.
possible reason
– Apply wet paint on dry or semi-dry areas
– Differences in gloss and/or surface texture due to different workmanship between oil brushes and oil reels.
– Inadequate mixing of paint prior to application, resulting in poor toner incorporation.
-Brushing may result in lower coverage than rolling, creating a thicker film, which can lead to differences in color/opacity.
– Stir paint thoroughly before use.
– Work on a smaller area of the room to keep the edges wet, and use the oil reel to overlap as much as possible over where the oil sweep is used.poor opacity
Dry paint fails to mask or coat the underlying surface.
possible reason
– Paint at higher than recommended coverage.
– Painting with low quality/incorrect construction tools.
– Use of inappropriate tinting bases and tinting color combinations.
– Adding a small amount of yellow, ochre or bright red to a white substrate will lower the refractive index and thus adversely affect opacity.
– Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for coverage.
– Use premium paint for better coverage and flow.
– Use quality tools and recommended oil reels.
– Use the correct base for the specified color.
– Choosing a color that contains black and/or blue tones will provide excellent opacity, even with some yellow or red colorants present.
Certain colors may require more than two coats of topcoat or the use of a tinted primer, especially when painting over dark colors.Poor washability
Dry paint does not resist dirt and stains
possible reason
– Use paint with poor stain resistance.
– Paint at higher than recommended coverage.
– Paint over unprimed substrate.
– Use manufacturer-approved antifouling paint products.
– Make sure the paint is applied to the appropriate primed substrate at the recommended coverage.
Tip: The most common stains can be removed from the antifouling paint with a soft damp cloth. For stubborn stains, a damp cloth and household cleaner are recommended. Some stubborn stains that can penetrate paint coats will require repainting with a suitable antifouling primer and antifouling topcoat.sagging
The phenomenon that the paint film sags immediately after painting.
possible reason
– Too much paint on the surface.
– The viscosity of the paint applied is too low.
– poor working or drying conditions (e.g. cold substrate, too low temperature, too high humidity)
– If paint is still damp, brush off immediately or reroll to redistribute excess paint evenly.
– If the paint is dry, sand and reapply a fresh coat of paint at the recommended coverage.
– Do not over thin the paint.
– Ensure that the conditions of work and drying are in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.Surfactant leaching
Soapy, sticky, shiny spots or streaks on newly painted surfaces, usually within the first few weeks after painting.
possible reason
– Poor working or drying conditions (eg low temperature, high humidity, condensation, rain).
– Add a colorant higher than the recommended coloring level.
– On façades, the leaching of surfactants usually disappears within a short period of time without intervention. Rinsing with fresh water will help wash it off.
– On interior walls, leaching of surfactants can be easily cleaned with a mild soap solution, soft cloth or sponge, then rinsed thoroughly with clean water.
– Ensure that the conditions of work and drying are in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.Tannin spots
Brown or tan discoloration on painted surfaces, most commonly found in knots in some types of wood.
possible reason
– Use paints with poor antifouling properties.
– Excessive moisture in the substrate.
– Poor working or drying conditions (eg low temperature, high humidity, condensation, rain).
– Identify and eliminate sources of moisture and reapply an antifouling primer or topcoat when the surface is well clean.
– Ensure that the conditions of work and drying are in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.Enamel turns yellow
Evolution of yellow discoloration in alkyd enamels.
possible reason
– Lack of natural light (eg behind picture frames, inside closets and sliding cavity doors).
– Presence of ammonia (commonly found in household paints and cleaners) during workmanship and maintenance.
– Ensure good ventilation during work and maintenance.
– Allow as much natural light as possible into the painted areas during and after work.
– To minimize the “yellowing” effect during drying, all traditional water-based primers and topcoats should be applied first and allowed to cure for up to two weeks (longer if cold) before starting the enamel job, vice versa.
– Use high-quality water-based paints instead of solvent-based paints.Nippon Refresh Service provides you a comprehensive one-stop shop service, solving all of your painting problems.
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Paint-Coating Material
Many people do not understand what is the use of paint? When do you need paint? Are primers and topcoats necessary?
Paint is a fluid that, after coating the surface of a substrate, dries into a continuous solid film. This is the most concise definition of paint, and depending on the type of paint, can provide one or more functions, such as decorative, protective, special functions.
– Decorative: The colour, relief texture, finish and gloss level of the lacquer provide a decorative effect.
– Protective: Different lacquers provide protection for different types of substrates. Including resistance to high humidity, chemicals, oils, corrosion, algae growth and abrasion.
– Special uses: Paints can also be formulated for special uses. For example, fluorescent paint for signs, anti-condensation paint, flame retardant paint, cathodic electrophoretic paint, etc.In most paint systems, two or more coatings with different functions are used. Among them, primer and topcoat are both necessary.
– Primer: The first coat in a paint system, applied on lacquer metal and wood. The role of the primer is to increase the adhesion of the topcoat, make the paint less prone to peeling, prevent the paint from being absorbed through the perforated surface, and also make the metal surface resistant to corrosion.
– Topcoat: The final coating in a paint system that has a decorative function such as color, gloss or embossed texture. The topcoat used outdoors needs some special ingredients to resist environmental damage due to the harsher environmental factors, such as UV exposure, chemical corrosion environment, seawater, algae and fungi.One of the most important determining factors when choosing a paint is the type of substrate. Commonly painted substrates are wood, metal, non-ferrous metals, cement mortar and concrete surfaces, brick. Depending on the substrate, make appropriate paint choices. For example, cement mortar and concrete surfaces are suitable for acrylic latex paint due to the characteristics of heavy moisture, and the humidity of the substrate should not exceed 6% before painting; wood fiber density and volume will change due to climate reasons, making the surface adhesion The strength decreases with time, so it is suitable to use a solvent-based paint with good penetration to improve adhesion and durability.
With the advancement of technology, in addition to the basic decoration and the protection function of the substrate, the current topcoat has the protection function developed for different environments. Such as waterproof, anti-exposure, anti-alkali anti-mold, anti-carbonic acid, anti-formaldehyde, and even anti-virus. Choosing a high-quality finish, which is both decorative and functional, has become an indispensable part of improving the quality of life.
Here is a paint with special features recommended for you:
How to solve the pungent / choking smell of the new house
The pungent smell is one of the first problems residents encounter and most want to solve every time they move in/in a new house. Whether it is renovation or renovation, it will produce unpleasant smell. These pungent odors, ranging from unpleasant to disgusting, greatly diminish the joy and happiness of a new home.
The main source of odors in new homes is VOCs (volatile organic compounds). VOCs contain a variety of organic compounds that are volatile at room temperature and are often found in a wide variety of everyday products such as solvent-based coatings, adhesives, sealants, printing inks, organic solvents, and petroleum products. In interior decoration projects, VOCs mainly come from paints, coatings and adhesives, and the content of general paints is 30 to 70 grams per liter. However, volatile organic compounds are highly volatile, generally 90% volatilized within 10 hours after paint application.
Prolonged exposure to VOCs can cause acute or chronic health effects. Sufficient concentrations of VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat discomfort, and even headaches, dizziness, vision disturbances, and a variety of other injuries. Among them, the most important and most harmful is formaldehyde, which has been listed as a human carcinogen.
The cause of the problem may be from:
● Poor ventilation and insufficient fresh air.
● Recently renovated.
● Recently added new furniture.
● VOCs emitted from sources such as renovation works, chemical storage sites or printing factories nearby are dissipated through the ventilation system.
● Frequent use of products that emit high VOCs, such as cleaners, pressed wood furniture, pesticides, fragrance products, etc.
● Dry-cleaned clothes are not sufficiently breathable.Ways to reduce and avoid exposure to VOCs:
● Maintain air circulation and confirm that there are ventilation facilities at the source of VOCs.
● Choose furniture that releases less formaldehyde and VOCs, and try to avoid using pressed wood furniture without covering.
● It is recommended to put new furniture outside for a few days before entering it indoors to allow it to breathe. Move in new furniture days before you move in.
● Hire professional formaldehyde removal service.
● Arrange for decoration work during the vacant time period.
● Dispose of paints, adhesives, cleaners and other products in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and avoid using products containing VOCs in sealed areas.
● For products with low VOCs, the manufacturer can be requested to provide relevant emission information. Such as Nippon Paint.As the largest paint manufacturer in Asia, Nippon Paint attaches great importance to environmental protection and sustainable development. Its paint products not only have excellent deodorizing effect and achieve ultra-low VOC indicators, but also adopt the unique technology of “decomposing formaldehyde” developed for many years. For example, in Nippon Paint for Children, the content of VOCs is less than 10 grams per liter.
The use of the interior wall latex paint of the Nippon Pure Smell series as the wall coating of the new house can effectively improve the pungent feeling brought by the new house. The formaldehyde molecules floating in the air generated by decoration and furniture will be decomposed into non-toxic and harmless water molecules by Nippon Paint, thus effectively reducing the indoor formaldehyde content.
Click the links below to know more about odour-less paints:
Nippon Paint Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less 5-in-1 (Bamboo Charcoal technology)
Nippon Paint has thousands of colors to choose from. In addition to dozens of standard colors, there are 1988 fantasy colors. If you feel that there is no favorite object in the standard colors, and the 1988 fantasy thousands of colors are dizzying, then please let Xiaosheng help you choose and choose.
If you are a minimalist who likes white, in addition to the very popular “Ivory White” and “Pearl White”, you can try “Yuqing” which is relatively clear and cool. But if a slightly warmer color system can bring you more peace of mind, “Bing Qing Yu Tou” with a powder in the white, or “Silk White”, “Gardenia” and “Melting Snow” with a faint yellow hidden in the white, It can add a touch of warmth to the minimalist style.
– Ivory (OW038-4)
– Pearl White (OW033-4)
– Yuqing (OW044-4)
– Bing Qing Yu Tou (OW015-4)
– Silk White (YC0015-4)
– Gardenia (YV0030-4)
– Snow Melting (YC0015-4)
If you yearn for nature, why not bring a touch of green into your home. “Pure Green”, although it sounds mundane, has depth and is not too heavy. It makes people feel relaxed and happy after watching it for a long time. Isn’t it like nature? Beneath the bland exterior is a vibrant, powerful energy that nurtures all things. If you like lighter greens, “Fresh Breeze” and “Bi Luo Interdependence” are more suitable. If you prefer cyan, you can try the “spruce” which is like a blue sky.
– Pure Green (GC5510-4)
– Breeze on the Face (GC4651-4)
– Biluo (GC0024-4)
– Spruce (GC0042-4)
If the blue sky and sea are your favorite colors, why not let the blue sky spread to your home. As described in Wang Bo’s poems, “the water and the sky are the same color”, which makes people feel relaxed and enlightened; the “spring water” is as lingering as a waterscape in the south of the Yangtze River; Furthermore, the “celadon”, which is as gentle as a drizzle, is more inclined to light blue than light blue.
– Water and Sky Isise (BN0002-4)
– Spring Water (BC0022-4)
– Dewdrop (BC0021-4)
– Celadon (BC0058-4)
The above is the recommendation for the lighter colors in the three color systems of white, green, and blue, I hope it can be helpful.If you’re interested in some of the bove colors, click the links below and learn more about NipponPaint’s colors!
what is formaldehyde
As defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas at room temperature with a strong odor. Exposure to formaldehyde may cause adverse health effects. Where is formaldehyde present?
Occurs naturally:
● 90% of the formaldehyde in the environment is produced by the movement of the upper atmosphere.
● Formaldehyde and its adducts are ubiquitous in living organisms. It is formed by the metabolism of amino acids and is present in the blood of humans and other primates at concentrations of about 0.1 millimolar (millimolar).
● Humans will quickly metabolize trace amounts of formaldehyde in the body and convert it into formic acid, so it will not accumulate in the body and cause health problems.
● Formaldehyde is decomposed by sunlight or bacteria in water and soil, so it does not accumulate in the natural environment.
Industrial Manufacturing:
● For the manufacture of composite wood products against resins (plywood, plywood, MDF).
● Building materials and insulating materials.
● Household products such as glues, paints, coatings, finishes, paper products.
● Preservatives in some pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other consumer products such as detergents and softeners.
● Fertilizers and pesticides.
Uses of formaldehyde
● Formaldehyde is a common precursor for more complex compounds and materials. Products derived from formaldehyde include urea formaldehyde resins, melamine-formaldehyde resins, phenolic resins, polyoxymethylene plastics, 1,4-butanediol, and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. The textile industry uses formaldehyde-based resins as finishing agents to make fabrics wrinkle-resistant.
● Polymers derived from formaldehyde are common permanent adhesives in plywood and carpet. In addition, it can be foamed to form insulating materials, or cast into mouldings. The production of formaldehyde resin accounts for more than half of formaldehyde consumption
● Formaldehyde is also a precursor to polyfunctional alcohols, such as pentaerythritol, which are used in the manufacture of paints and explosives.
Effects of formaldehyde on human health The main way people are exposed to formaldehyde is through breathing air containing formaldehyde released. Everyone is exposed to small amounts of formaldehyde in the air, which is released from the products mentioned above, such as composite wood products. The effect of formaldehyde on the human body depends on the concentration. In low concentrations, it can cause discomfort due to odor, and a little bit can even irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat. Prolonged exposure at high concentrations may cause certain types of cancer. There is currently no uniform standard for what is a safe concentration. Some studies have concluded that below 0.3 ppm, most people’s eyes will not feel irritation; below 0.1 ppm, almost everyone will not experience any irritation. In 2010, the WHO has established indoor air quality guidelines for formaldehyde exposure of 0.08 ppm.
Works Cited “Facts About Formaldehyde.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 18 Apr. 2022, Accessed 21 Jun. 2022.
“Formaldehyde.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 June 2022, Accessed 21 Jun. 2022.
Golden, Robert. “Identifying an indoor air exposure limit for formaldehyde considering both irritation and cancer hazards.” Critical reviews in toxicology vol.
41,8 (2011): 672-721. doi: 10.3109/10408444.2011.573467. Accessed 21 Jun. 2022.
Nielsen, Gunnar Damgård et al. “Re-evaluation of the WHO (2010) formaldehyde indoor air quality guideline for cancer risk assessment.” Archives of toxicology vol.
91,1 (2017): 35-61. doi: 10.1007/s00204-016-1733-8. Accessed 21 Jun. 2022.
Lin Qingshun . “Is formaldehyde released from paint harmful.” Science in Health Care, 25 Oct. 2019, %E9%86%9B%E6%9C%89%E5%AE%B3%E5%97%8E/comment-page-1/. Accessed 21 Jun. 2022. -
I believe everyone will want to renovate the idea of a small apartment.
The apartment itself is old, and over the years, the walls are full of stains. It’s time for a fresh coat of paint and a new look.
But I have no idea how to decorate and paint. So I first inquired about how to renovate the walls, and then I researched how to choose paint. After a week, I finally settled on the final plan. First of all, after repeatedly sifting through so many paint brands, after asking seniors with experience in decoration, I chose to use Nippon Paint from Japanese brands. But how to choose a specific latex paint? Since do-it-yourself added to the budget, plus for a more comfortable life, decided not to skimp on paint. However, although the design of Nippon Paint’s children’s paint “Little Prince” is very attractive, the “Golden Formaldehyde Anti-Formaldehyde Net Smell Full Effect” with bamboo charcoal formula was finally selected.
It seems that many choices have been made, but the most difficult choice has only begun, and that is the color. I have to say that there are too many choices of paint colors. There are so many colors on the Nippon Color Card, and there are countless shades of white alone. In the long exploration and selection, there is a color called “soft pearl color” that has been lingering in my heart for a long time. It was a pale, shell-like, soft white. I immediately settled on “Soft Pearl” as my paint color.
Everything is ready for construction. According to Nippon’s suggestion when buying materials, it is divided into five steps. First, use protective tools such as washi protective film to cover furniture, floors, and everything you don’t want to be splashed with paint. Second, use sponge sand bricks to polish the wall until it is smooth and clean. Third, if there is mold on the wall, use a mildew inhibitor to eradicate it and wait for the wall to dry. Fourth, apply the primer, I use the Nippon clean-flavor primer, just dilute it with water and apply a layer. Fifth, apply latex paint, but also to dilute with water, but in order to make the color better adhere to two layers, wait for two to three hours to dry. It should be noted that the primer and topcoat should not add too much water, just dilute it a little, otherwise the paint film will become too thin.
Although not every detail is perfect, but the final result is still very satisfactory. Brand new walls, comfortable tones. The following are the materials I used, hoping to provide some help for friends who are considering refurbishing paint.
Latex paint: Nippon Gold with full effect of anti-formaldehyde and net smell, color: OW078-4 Soft Pearl
Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-less All-in-1(Bamboo Charcoal technology)
Other tools: